Warcross Book Review

Warcross book 1 

I am obsessed! 
This is officially my first time reading Marie Lu’s and I love it. The nuance of the plot, the characters and the writing style slayed. I could not stop reading. I was glued to my pages, even during a family dinner. 
OBSESSED! And of course, after I devour this book like a proper Booklion, I had a bad book hangover. I HAD to get Marie Lu’s other books. 
Our main female protagonist is a hacker and nearly homeless and penniless, namely Emika Chen who sports a rainbow hair. Life has definitely not been great for her. She is beautiful, smart and doesn’t give up. 
One bold move on the famous interface Warcross, and she becomes a Celebrity. We're talking Black Mirror meets Ready Player One. 

At first when Warcross is being introduced and described, I was in awe. I wanted to have this world. I live practically online - chat, ebooks, streaming movies and shows. So, having this while walking, doing daily chores and HAVING A DIGITAL PET by your side while walking on the street. Ah man! THE DREAM! 

And then when I kept up reading, understanding what the Creator of Warcross wanted to do. I don’t like it so much. I do understand why he’s doing it and he is scarred from losing his brother, but there is a price to wanting to control others for personal gain. It never ends well. 
Hideo Tanaka - our young and genius Creator of Warcross. Billionaire probably. He has the three S as in many protagonist or antagonist or second lead, I mean Sexy, Smart and Secretive. At first, you are in awe with this intelligence and then you're in total WTF mode by the end of the book. 
Man, I did not see that twists at the last game. FREAKING FLABBERGASTED. 
I kept staring at the words and my head was screaming WHAT THE FUCK!! 

I have sooo many questions by the end of the book. Of course, it’s a cliffhanger. It's the first book of a series or trilogy which I discovered while adding my review on Goodreads. 
I don’t know why I thought it was a stand-alone book. I was waiting and wondering what could happened in the end. BUT NOPE…. IT HAD TO BE A NEW SERIES. I sound like I am complaining but I am not. I am just more confuzed which mean it's a damn good book.
And now... I WANT THE NEXT BOOK. *pterodactyl screech*

I want to know why WHY Zero doesn't confront Hideo. How was he kidnapped? Was he even kidnapped? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? And will Em forgive Hideo? or Will there be a love triangle with Zero, Hide and Em? WHAT? ugh, the frustrations of it all!  

p.s: I am still Team Hide.. until I read more on Zero. 


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