Wake up, Hoomans

Yo! What are we doing to our blue ball? 

Personally, I have always been acute to listen, to watch or to read more about nature - it's destruction in progress and ways to help to minimise that imminent destruction. It was simple acts such as bringing a bigger eco-friendly plastic bags to pick up trash while going on a picnic, never throw out trash out of car windows or while walking on the street, pick up little plastics or garbage on the beach or use reusable napkins for daily usage and trying to encourage restaurants which banned plastic straws. The little things. I never thought of diving deep in the subject, it was not about being inconsiderate but lack of opportunity to do more... until now. 

I have been chosen to work as an intern, a communication fellow most precisely for an organisation called SYAH. To sound very formal and informative, SYAH is youth led organisation which bring together a group of young people to ensure the better future of our planet, to build active and sustainable communities by integrating education for sustainability in students' curricular and empower them to do more for their environment. 

Sounds great and inspiring, isn't it?
Well it is. I have been here for merely three days and I have seen them launch a water fountain to avoid people from buying plastic bottles, conducting meetings, contacting politicians etc... they are walking the talk, and they are not even more than 30 years old. I am impressed. 

Now when I read about the statistics on pieces of plastics, cigarettes' buds and other trash which they have accumulate along beaches, it drives me nuts. 
What the hell? It is an island which cannot even be seen on a map and it holds thousands and thousands of trash. I felt so embarrassed and enraged. We are not doing enough. We're developing countries, we have little impact and mostly our voice are not heard to big polluting countries which do have the funds but still keep polluting and just to appease the green activists, they fund some organizations, invest in little solar energy and introduce some bills which are forgotten in days. 


I still remember back in the days, pre-teen years when I would read books and articles talking about and describing the future. It would be bright, with the latest technologies and transports such as flying cars and the air was clean. It was promising and you never heard much about pollutions, CO2 rising, toxins in water or global warming. Schools never said anything about the dark future. The only 'imminent danger' we would talk about was an asteroid coming to blast Earth one day. That was the danger we would talk about during lunch break or when walking home. 

Then, that vision from a futuristic world changed drastically to a post-apocalyptic future. WHAT? 


Nowadays, most books about the future have a post-apocalyptic theme or even if it is futuristic, Earth has changed or most things we know now have been wiped out and most humans are in space. Or worst, if the story is happening on Earth, there are aliens, humans have mutated or there are some dark things happening which are masked by the futuristic facade. Everything suggesting our impending doom and the irony, the bloody irony is that we are the cause. 
WE ARE THE REASONS. *laugh psychotically* 

If I keep going, I'll probably have a mental breakdown. I just want you people to be more careful, be more considerate and have some shame. You need this blue ball, it doesn't need you. It will thrive if we all die. 
Small acts, people. Pick up that plastic wrapper on the side-walk, stop using plastic straws, bring an eco-bag while going grocery shopping, give clothes or things you do not use to charity instead of just throwing them in the trash etc...
A little can go a long way, especially those in bigger countries and on continents. 

Protect our blue ball! We only have one...


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