Archangel's Prophecy Book Review

So, Lijuan and the Cascade's effects were not enough, Elena had to undergo some kind of 'death' now. The moment she showed signs of regression, I was one edge. This one really put me in a bad mental shape. I want Elena and Raphael to be together, happy and well. Fight together and look after each other, and after the sevens. I want Illium and Aodhan books.
This one was excruciating. Raphael's pain and Elena's fight against the effect of the cascade on her. I am starting to wonder if the Cascade is even a source, power or a being.
And just when you think you would not hear about the Archangel of China, the big B makes her cameos, in Favashi. This is was weird. She really needs to sleep, like a permanent sleep. And don't get me started on the Archer's plot, dude has some serious issues. The Guild should stop making Slayers and maybe do a team of them instead of one. They just go nuts!
One disappointing part was the lack of Illium's appearances. Yes, it was more than two but still, he's our favourite. We need more Bluebell. Sure, we got to learn a little bit more about the Legions, who are still creepy as heck. They are zillions years old and this cascade had to be a big one to wake up two ancients, the legions, one ancient of the ancient and transforming Elena. Her new birth - I hope to God that we don't get the amnesia plot for next book.
Have pity on Raphael, Nalini!
Effing cliff-hanger got me so frustrated!!!
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