Ocean Light Book Review


Ocean Light by Nalini Singh 
A Psy-changeling Novel
The Trinity Accord Era

Being big isn't an advantage if you don't use your brains. Intelligence and strategy have won more fights than might. - Bowen Knight, Chief Security, Human Alliance

In the middle of the read, I was already planning to give this book 4 Stars on Goodreads, but then... FREAKING KRYCHEK APPEARED. So it is a 5 Stars for me!

The moment we first met Bowen Knight, I was curious about him. He could not be unimportant to introduced him and had him cameos in other stories as well. He had to be important and he effing is. He could nearly pass as a changeling alpha. The dude reeks of dominance. 

The plot was well done, well written and to the point. There were no unnecessary descriptions that made you forget what the eff is happening or which conversation just happened. The descriptions only made you want to visit Lantia or Ryujin, or eat Kaia's blueberry pie. Enough to tickle the imagination, to transport you to the scene of action or conversation. As someone who lives on an island, my imagination ran wild with this one. 

Aside from the obvious chemistry between Kaia Luna and Bowen, I appreciated the twists in the plot - the real culprits, the traitors and unravelling the mysteries at the end. I had to put down the book twice to cuss and breath when we learn about Hugo and then who the traitor was. Two WTF moments right there! It kept you hooked to the plot, there was never a boring moment. 

And to top it all of, Nalini had to bring my favourite psy, my absolute love! Kaleb Krychek. I must say reading his scenes were a struggle between giggling and trying to shove my face in the pages. I HAVE ISSUES! He is so dreamy, I can't! I mean if you want the book to be a success at 100%, have Krychek cameo in them. 

OKAY! *breathes* 

One thing is sure, the Consortium need to be sorted out. They are going way too far. That's another mystery that will shake me to the core. I can feel it! 
If there is a traitor in water changelings, ready to betray and hurt their own, then there will be traitors in other changelings clans, humans and psy as well. 
The accord will have a tough time to hold, though Consortium better prepares their asses because my Kaleb will remove them from their bodies once he knows who tf is behind all this. 

Long Live the Accord! 


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