Favourite Quotes from Deadmen Walking

Deadmen Walking (Deadman's Cross, #1)

The curse of this world was that it was ever changing. Friends today. Enemies tomorrow. And, as was presently true, even enemies could become more friendly. 
Life was even peculier that way, as it kept everyone on their toes. You never knew where it was going to land you, or how quickly. 
Sinner to saint. Hero to villain. A person's role could reverse itself in the blink of an eye. All it took was one good deed of redemption.

"Fun at the expense of another's suffering isn't fun, Mr Mori. That bitch is known as cruelty, and her mantle is lasting anguish. It's the inalienable right of all sentient creatures to sleep in peace. To live lives of dignity and free of torment. To pursue whatever courses they themselves, choose of their own volition. And no one should ever be beholden to another.
Not their necessities, and damn sure not for their liberty nor for their lives. "
- Captain Devyl Bane 


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