20 Things about Me
- I don't embrace the term Bookworm because I devour books rather than nibble like a worm. Hence, a Booklion.
- I write in a yearly diary every single day. I even write what I eat and the news of the day.
- I have low tolerance on drama and gossips. It can be interesting sometimes but when it get borderline offensive, I'm out.
- I am a huge DC and Marvel Fan. Don't ask me to choose, I love them both.
- My superpowers include the ability to touch wet food in the sink without gagging and the ability to eat whatever I want without gaining weight.
- I wanted to be a construction worker when I was a kid. Sexist remarks made me gave up on that. I must say I regret it a bit.
- I have Ophidiophobia, which is the fear of snakes. Not a fan of reptiles but I will protect them if needed. My favourite reptiles are Dragons and Wyverns.
- I wish to master Shakespearean English and write letters to mine enemies.
- I can either be superactive or procrastinate (especially at home) like a 17yo teenager high on marijuana.
- I need to multitask to focus. Like now I am writing this while listening to CNN and babysitting my 4yo nephew.
- While getting ready for any event, I will listen and glimpse reactions videos on YouTube. No music. Just people reacting to movie trailers, scenes, tv shows trailers etc...
- I have been a Liverpool fan since I was 10yo.
- I have scenarios in my head where I am either a spy, an accomplished artist or a popular paper maker and book curator.
- Personally, I am more at ease when I am single because commitment scares the heck out of me. It's the only 'field' that makes me insecure.
- The only sport type of activities I love are swimming and hiking. Running and jogging are not my thing. I do yoga to chill and stretch.
- The only marathons I am willing to do are Lord of the Rings movies, Hobbit Movies, Star Wars and all seasons of Attack on Titans anime. I could say Game of Thrones but reliving the deaths of some beloved character will depressed me all over again. HOLD THE DOOR!
- Favourite house chores include polishing the furniture, cleaning the windows, dusting, washing dishes (Asian household don't believe in dishwasher), ironing and washing the yard. You can say I am a little OCD. A little!
- If World War 3 strikes I have a plan to move to Antarctica. I just need potato seeds. Penguins will be good companions and they're adorable as well.
- I can be brutally honest or sarcastic and I am sure I offended people a lot. I always try to remain silent most of the time.
- I have been angry for more than four years. Irritated yes but like I said I chose to stay silent. I dread the day I will unleash a fury on people.
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