Death doesn't bargain Book Review


Death Doesn't Bargain
A Deadmen Cross novel book 2 

I must say, I really savour this one. 
The Deadmen have become my second favourites after the Dark-Hunters. 

This is the story of Cameron Jack (our lass we met in book 1, who came on board to look for his brother) and of one of the seamen, Kalder Dupree. 
The plot has a flow, like a wave- sometimes calm and sometimes tumultuous. I have always loved Kenyon's writing style - no overload of description, average cheesy dialogues, to the point hot scenes and action-packed every now and then. You never get bored. 
And of course, when she brings the other beloved character in the picture. 
The cameos in this one left me screaming. The three T, S and A together. Bickering and looking hot as hell. I died. I had to close the book to get my shit together. 

The revelations in this one were quite interesting. I did not expect Kalder to be something more. I suspected that his real mother would be someone badass, but him to be more than a myrcian. DAMN. Also, I was glad we got to see Kalder's home, not so much about his family (they can all die for all I care. Meurig too). I hope he goes back and rules the place. He is the true King. 

I thought this one was the happy ending story for Kalder and Cam but we have to read the last one to see how the Deadmen's fate end. There sure is a happy event but there are so much danger and evil lurking around them all. 

So in the last book, we are getting the final battle with all the deadmen, along with Thorn and I hope S & A. I expect lots of fangirling screams while reading the last one. Also, I really hope we see the Deadmen or former Deadmen in the future. If they are still around. Or even just mention them. 


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