Favorite Quotes in Stygian

Just some of them. The whole book is filled with inspiring quotes. 

Stygian (Dark-Hunter, #27)                             Related image

  • Just remember that we don't always get to be who we want to be. Sometimes others force us to act against our natures. And survival is the harshest master of all. It's easy to praise a man in good times and condemn him in bad ones. But never should we be judged for the totality of our lives during that erratic pendulum swing. For fate is a fickle bitch who slaps us on one cheek, while she caresses us on the other.
  • War was a vicious cycle of hatred. 
  • The day would come where they realised that they weren't so different. That even though they were born worlds apart, their goals were the same. That they all bled red. And that the only way for them to have the peace they so desperately wanted, to have the world they craved, was to unite together and fight side by side as one family. Not to let their petty differences divided them. Strong alone. Stronger united.
  • Judge me for what I do, not for the lies you hear from my lips, for I will not lie or from those of another about me.
  • The day we cease to walk in the shadow of our parents' protection and we stand alone to face the full light of our lives, on our own two feet. Most fall and stumble. Some to never rise again. Others will eventually find their standing and relearn to walk. And a small handful...that tiny few will rise up with a blinding fury in their gut to the very heavens. They do not just stand on their own two feet, Urian. They soar on mighty wings.
  • It is ever the saddest indictment against humanity that they cannot live in peace. Too many believe the path to happiness can only be achieved by walking over those around them. When the truth is so much simpler. If you can't be happy alone, you will never be happy in a crowd.
  • Never look back. You can't change what you have done. You can only change what you're going to do. Pain is always all around us. It's easy to become blind to it. But imagine all the times in your life when you were hurting and going through shit if just one person had looked over at you and instead of kicking you while you were down had said, ' it's okay. You're not a bad person. It's just a bad turn of the cards. You'll get through it.' Can you imagine what an incredible world this world would be?


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