A Life between Crayons and Paper
Drawing growing up...
Since I could remember, I was always drawing and colouring something. I loved crayons whether they were wax or regular crayons. I would have tons of them and still get my mother or my big brother to get me more, even throwing a tantrum if I did not get new ones.
I remember I cried to my family for some watercolours at 11 pm and my brother had to go wake our neighbourhood's store to get some, to the disapproval of my beloved mother. I just wanted watercolours. Now I think about it, I feel like a brat. My big brother was my second father growing up, but he was the cool dad - gave me what I wanted but I have messed up, he would give me hell. And when I draw something - which were not good at all, he would buy them from me. It was rare since I was a quiet kid who would just colour and draw in a corner while watching Lucky Luke, Justice League, Batman Series or the Looney Tunes. Ah! Those were the simple days!
Back to my drawings, I was drawing on and off during primary school years (from 5 years to 11 years). We had art classes and would do creative things such as using vegetables or fruits to draw flower patterns, collage and using strings to make abstract designs.
Fast-forward to secondary school years during which I took obligatory art classes for three years and then chose to do another 2 years. I was the girl with lots of art materials in her backpack as well as her big A2 sketchpad walking to school, with her earphones on (a Sony Erikson phone, please), and paints in her elbows and palms. The rest of my two years of high school, I focused on my literature classes more. I must say I did not have that much time to draw and resort to reading more novels and binging Lord of the Rings movies every weekend.
Once I got to University, I was in the Student Council as my class representative as well as the vice-president of the Media Club. I help the decor team in organising parties and festivals. I would help draw the backgrounds, do a collage showing the best moments of the University and even create posters for the events. Even though I was majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication, art never left me. It was omnipresent.
Art helped me win Best Mascot during the Sports Day, twice. I was the Jaguar Mascot and painted my face as a Jaguar. For my last and third year, I helped my junior in the makeup and gave her my costume. She won Best Mascot as well.
Drawing took an important part of my life again when I started to work and bought my own supplies. I would buy cute drawing notepad and just doodle something. Bought adult colouring books and have a relaxing Sunday colouring while drinking my Nestle Cappuccino. Drawing gave me the peace of mind I needed after a week at the office. It's been six years since I started to work and drawing has become a routine. Every break from work (when I work from home) and during the weekend, I would draw something - plants, a character from an anime, books, dragons, etc.
I currently have two sketchpads to fill and cannot wait to buy more. We have so many cute sketchpads nowadays, with multiple crayons and art pens. I always get overwhelmed when I enter the art store. From clay to crayons, I have been indulging in different techniques and these days I dream of getting back to my watercolours. I am just waiting for my next salary.
In the meantime, meet Belzeneth. He is a ghost I drew for this year's Halloween. Isn't he cute?
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