Embers (Dark in You) Book Review


Asher is the deal!

After reading Magic Triumphs, with baby Conlan, I was pampered by baby Asher in this one. It's expected to be overwhelmed with Knox and Harper - their chemistry, and now we have Asher Thorne's dimple face and charismatic personality at only a few months old. I enjoyed this one. The Dark in You series is always a delight to read. It's fun and quick. If you remember the last book, you won't need to read everything which explains about past events or the obvious feelings of the protagonists toward each other. WE KNOW AND HARPER ARE DEEP AS HELL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER.

As the for the main plot, it was consistent. You will only get a break from the main event to enjoy Harper and Knox's fondling moments, their bonding moments with Asher and other family/sentinels fun times. It was the right balance and you do not get bored. 

The main story here was to find the 4th horseman, or should I say, Horsemen. We had our little list of suspects but one thing was unexpected what the Encantada's return from the dead and the truth about Drew Clarke. 

The last scene - the fight between Harper vs the Encantada, Knox vs the horseman and I guess Asher against the black dog and the incantor. Little dude's demon breed is rare as his daddy and mommy. And I nearly cried of laughter when the horseman thought or was convinced that Knox was a Phoenix. If only he knew...which he did in the end and screamed, crawled like a little whiny B. 
It was worth it. Knox did not kill the perpetrators - we know he is not that merciful. They will suffaaaa! 

Some things remained the same - the sentinels are as loyal as Lucifer is insane. The Wallis are still annoying, yet adorable. Keenan has not made his move on Khloe, neither did Tanner on Devon. I really need the stories of the sentinels and their potential mates. ugh. Can't leave us like that.
I am glad that Asher and his parents got their happy ending - no imminent danger in the horizon, but we need more stories from this universe where demons reside on Earth, are Primes to their lair. A universe where Satan is OCD. 

We demand stories of the sentinels, per favor. 


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