Queen of Air & Darkness Book Review

“Some lights were never meant to burn for long.”
Holy Raziel!
So many things happened. It was like the City of Heavenly Fire again. I took so much time to finish this one, not because I did not want to read it but because I did not want it to finish it. The last one ended with deaths and sickness. I tried not to expect much about this one.
Liv was dead
Robert Lightwood wad dead
The Warlocks were sick from whatever the blights were
The mortal sword was broken
The more the plot continued, the more it got worst. From Julian begging Magnus for that stupid spell, the new jerk of a counsel, the suicide mission to faery, the weapon of the Seelie queen, Kieran's capture at the Scholomance to Julian and Emma becoming flaming giants.
WHAT?! MIND BLOWN WITH THIS ONE. I am so happy for Julian and Emma, and Magnus and Alec made me bawled. I just want the same for Clary and Jace now. *smirks* COME ON JACE, GET IT DONE!
I was not sure that I would love this series, but I did. I love that we got the cameos of the original shadowhunters. I still miss Will Herondale though. But we do have two Herondales now. Which brings me to one of the many twists of the plot: KIT HERONDALE. I want the next series to be about Kit, Ty, Ash and Drussila, with the Seelie queen and the Jace from Thule as the main villains.
I am excited already!
We would have the OG shadowhunters making appearances with Alec as the new counsel, Clary as a key character (since Jace from Thule will want her) and of course, Jem and Tessa, with the little one coming soon. I hope it's a girl.
If such a series is in the making, we would finally know what's the deal with Ash. The kid is weird and gives me the creep. And I do hope we don't hear much about Alicante, let them rot for all I care.
I won't comment much on Clare's writing. I am a fan and if I am here it means that I do love what she writes, especially anything Shadowhunter-related. I do not want this universe to end at all. I recommend this series.
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